Go beyond 16:9 and bring cinematic storytelling experiences to video walls, conferencing and hybrid workspace.

Pioneering ideas, the ultrawide point of view

Jupiter has a 40+ year history of innovation. We take the path of identifying a need, validating that need then delivering innovative and unique products that address those needs into the market. Continuing this tradition, we introduce the 21:9 5K visual form factor to the enterprise market that bring compelling features and a new way of viewing and interacting with content.

21:9 is not a simple 5K LCD panel, it’s more about the driver board architecture and firmware development that we engineered to fit an existing eco system of hardware and software implementation.

Jupiter is the undisputed leader of 21:9 and the ultrawide revolution, carving the path to better productivity, better ergonomic and refreshing form factor into every environment.

Research & development began forging the path towards a new panoramic experience.

Pana displays were introduced to the market offering new ways to engage with your content.

Read some of our whitepapers and case studies

Download the complete 21:9 Solutions Guide
